Why I Stopped Using Linux

For over 5 years I have been using Ubuntu as my main desktop and for the last 6 months Elementary OS. Today I have given up hope on the desktop Linux and have reluctantly switched to OSX.

Most Anticipated Indie Games of 2016

12 Minutes

RTS Unit Selection in Unity

Unity RTS Game Architecture

I have created many games over the years – mostly small Flash games. And I feel that I have finally constructed a robust game architure which should be the basis of every game. This is inspired by the MVC pattern but with some modifications – a game isn’t a user interface but instead revolves around a game loop.

Using Locomotive CMS on Heroku

So I was given the popular task of creating a site for my sister. It had to be simple enough for her to make edits, upload images, free to host and most importantly low maintenance – I don’t want to spend time ironing issues.